Monday, December 3, 2012

An invitation to a new perspective... Christmas Isn't Your Birthday

What's happening in your life this Christmas?

There are so many things happening right now at St. Thomas and it is surely hard to sort them all out.  The one thing I  believe is that they are somehow all connected and  this will be a most true and powerful Advent season we have seen in years. I am very proud to be a part of this faith community.

Christmas Isn't Your Birthday shows an interesting perspective on how Christmas, the day, has become cultured to meet the needs of the individual.  I will warn you that this is not a warm and comfortable read with a heart warming story of Christmas cheer.  I can also say that there are some ideas that I am still working on, mulling over if you will. It is not at all negative, it is just real. The title caught my attention because it is so blunt, but true.  The author, Mike Slaughter is the Lead Pastor of Ginghamsburg United Methodist Church in Tipp City, Ohio. He strikes me as a solid balance of inspiration and truth. The church is rooted in direct service to the community.  Here is a video worth watching that will give you the background on Mike Slaughter and his church,
Christmas is about love, yes, but is also about action. God's action in sending his son lead us to a greater truth that is Christmas.  Our actions will also lead us to a deeper understanding of our relationship with Him, if given the chance.

Each week during Advent there will be one posting related to a chapter of the book.  It will be on Thursday just because that seems to be a good 'middle of the week' day. They will be short and to the point as the book itself is.  There are 5 chapters so we will actually finish the week after Christmas Day. I'll try to pull the most important points and will include the questions for reflection.  You can find the book at Church Publishing and other major book stores; online or storefront.  I would love others to read and comment.
Hope this can be part of your preparation for Christmas.
Peace & Prayers,

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