(Please go to http://comeseestthomas.blogspot.com/ to watch the slide show:)
It was rumored that Aliens were crossing Snell Isle and it was later confirmed that they had landed at St. Thomas Episcopal Church where many other Tribes had gathered including a group of Barefoot Islanders from the Bahamas, some Chinese and even Harry Potter and his Wizards.
If all of this sounds a bit strange, well it was. But what great fun it was. One of the greatest annual dinners I have attended.
Among the more than two hundred parishioners present, I am happy to report that the Youth Group was well represented with seventeen of their members attending.
We refer to this event as “The Festive Meal”, and with good reason. It is a time of reaping, or ingathering of our crops or the gathering of the fruit of our labors. A taking stock, of our blessings. A time of thankfulness. When doing this we realize that without Gods Blessings we would have nothing. Therefore we must weigh and determine Gods portion, and we celebrate and acknowledge our blessings with our pledges of giving to support Gods work in the coming year.
There was so much joy and camaraderie shared by everyone.
There were twenty one tables, three of which were decorated by the youth. The total attendance was 207 – 156 adults, 17 from the youth group, and 30 children ages 0 through 5h grade.
Each year we have a volunteer hostess for each table and she decorates the table choosing a theme of her choice. At the end of the evening prizes are awarded based on a list of categories that has been pre determined.
The table winners were:
Most Original:
Mary Li Cressy and Jim Duda…Chinese New Year
Most Outrageous (tie):
Heather Disler and Michelle Miller…Barbie,
Cathy Ball and Gigi Fleming… High Rollers
Most Elegant:
Ellen Burkhart
Best Theme (tie):
Youth group… Harry Potter
Meredith Marshall and Matt Zybura…Cupcake
All of the Hostesses did an outstanding job of decorating their tables. The most elegant table winner was a Fifties group fashionably dressed complete with white gloves and pill box hats. Their table decorated with a lighted crystal centerpiece that spoke of the glitz and glamour of the era. The hats and gloves were reminicent of our own photo albums.
Many thanks go to Allison Marshall for her excellent work in organizing this event. It was appreciated by all who attended.
Submitted by Mary Hochadel
Photos by Chris Stiles
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