It feels like a new beginning but somehow we can't help but look back at the past. The balance between the two can be delicate with the hope that the result allows us to reflect practically and move on to renew. It is important practice to give our 'history' its rightful place yet at the same time look to the future as a light. As in everything the balance is the key. It makes the future newer, brighter and of course lighter.
This past Saturday we gathered to participate in the St. Thomas Saturday Seminar with representation from ministries throughout the church. We shared ideas to strengthen our congregation in the coming year as we take our mission out into the community. We talked at length about caring for ourselves and each other as we set out to do God's work.
"Making a difference for others because
God is making a difference for us"
Finally, we come together at our Annual 'Town Hall' Meeting, this Sunday, January 26, following our 10:00 a.m. Services. We'll meet in the Parish Hall, share coffee and bagels, and discuss a bit about the past year and plan for the future. We'll vote for new Vestry members, take a look at the budget and programs of the church and God's plans for us will begin to take shape.
For those of you following the sequence of the title,this is the action step. Commmitt to being a part of this process. Join us as we plan.
It is an important time, don't miss it...Come share in the future.
See you there!
P.S. Childcare will be provided in the Nursery until 12:15 p.m.
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