Monday, February 20, 2012

Women of the Word Bible Study - Exodus 21 and 22

A continuation of our study of the Book of Exodus: Chapters 21 and 22

Recap: Genesis is where we began. It was written during the Babylonian captivity. It is oral
memories by different writers.

The laws that we are studying were not written for a nomadic people but a settled agrarian
society. These laws come from God…because God “said so”. There were no punishments
written down for disobeying all these laws. And, there were many, many laws.

Chapter 20 is about worship of God and Chapter 21 is about slavery. These laws all make up
what is termed as the Covenant Code of the Jewish people. Women were considered back then
to be part of a man’s property. The laws were originally written to protect male human beings.
These laws were important as they enabled the society to act in a civilized manner and to meet
the needs of the people in a loving and responsible way. God is the ultimate authority not any
one king or a committee.

Chapter 22 is about the protection of property and social responsibility. It discusses the
repercussions of thievery, seduction and sorcery. We find examples in Chapter 22 of the
principle of restitution…making wrongs right.

Submitted by Vicky Steinwender

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