Saturday, October 1, 2011

Women of the Word

Exodus 4:18-26   

Today we learn that Moses is returning to Egypt to gather the Israelites and lead them out of Egypt.  He still had to first ask his father-in-law for permission to return to Egypt. (Moses respects Jethro.)  Jethro reassures Moses and wishes him well on his trip.

Nevertheless, Moses is going to be doing something that he does not want to do and wishes someone else would be sent.  He felt inadequate to be going on such an important and dangerous mission through the desert.  He had the staff that God gave him and this would remind him of God's presence and power.  He would meet up with Aaron.
We learn that essentially the Book of Exodus is all about God and about the Israelites relationship with God,  God says, "You have only one allegiance in this world...IT'S TO ME.   If you do, then all will be well and you will be blessed.  God, in the Old Testament, is a much more demanding God than He is in the New Testament.  Therefore, Moses was not given "an out"....he had to return to Egypt.  When they left, Moses was almost killed by God because he had not fulfilled God's covenant by circumcising his son.  His wife, Zipporah, took a knife and performed the circumcision fulfilling the Old Testament law.


Submitted by Vicky Steinwender

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