Monday, September 12, 2011

Into our Father’s Arms

Father Chris gave his last sermon as rector of St. Thomas on a very special 9/11 10th anniversary service. The service featured a beautiful music arrangement, including a solo by Louis Yardumian opening the service with “Surely the Presence of the Lord is in this Place.” And Father Chris took on the challenging topic of the meaning of 9/11 noting that his wife Bettina was at that time at the 10th anniversary services at ground zero inNew York City comforting a friend who had lost her son in the 9/11 attacks.

Father Chris began his sermon by explaining that we are all interconnected, the world is at order, and that the goodness of God can be seen even in something as difficult as 9/11…that we bless ourselves when we invite God into our every situation and emotion. If we do this he will sanctify and make us whole no matter the situation….this is how we can be unified (noting that President Obama read Bettina’s favorite Psalm, chapter 46, at the ceremony this morning).

Fr. Chris continued by acknowledging that we all feel helpless watching replays of the buildings falling, but he also reminded us that every one of the last messages and phone calls ended with “I love you.” Most were serene and calm and many spent time reassuring their loved ones even in the face of death…no one “wasted” their last message…they were effectively affirming the goodness of life even as their lives were ending. With God’s grace, we can all face whatever hardships life will bring us with this kind of calm and bravery.

Fr. Chris then asked Dav Mosby to read a beautiful and haunting poem by Helen Pruitt Wallace. The poem, “Those Who Chose to Jump,” transforms the horrific environment that was facing those who were stuck in upper floors of the World Trade Center as the building burned into a pleasant memory of a 4-year-old.  Standing on the edge of a burning building staring into a blue sky becomes standing on the edge of a hot tiled deck staring out at an expanse of blue pool…ending with a faith-filled first dive into the blue, into a waiting Father’s arms. Reflecting on the connectivity between these events, Father Chris challenged the congregation to figuratively seek to be crucified with Christ.  We take our fears, judgments, jealousies, obsessions, hatred and anger and lift it to God for transformation. This is the essence of Christianity. We should desire the crucifixion and days like this give us insight into our eternal life. At some point, we will all be jumping into the blue…and when we do, we can go with the same kind of serenity and confidence that we will be going into our Father’s arms.

posted by m white

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