Sunday, October 31, 2010

Supper, Song and Prayer on Wednesday Nights at 6pm

click on to see the slide show
Photos by Diana Leavengood, Walt Jaap and Chris Stiles

I look forward to Supper Song and Prayer each Wednesday. It is a time of the real meaning of community within the church. It brings out the true meaning of the church family with God as Father. There is so much joy and sharing with one another. It is much like my own family when as a child we all gathered at the supper table and the chatter of the day’s activity allowed each one to express their thoughts and we were all bound closer together by doing so.

Each week our speakers are different and interesting. I find something in each one that I can relate to, whether they grew up in Montana, Michigan or Alabama. It is always a joy to share with them. Everyone’s life is a story book. Some are just not written down on paper, but we can learn something from each story.

If you have been missing supper with the church family I invite you to join us. It is enjoyable and you will be home by eight o’clock to watch your favorite TV program. As we say in the South, “You’ll come now".

Submitted by Mary Hochadel

Photos by Diana Leavengood

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