Men’s Bible Study Group: Jeremiah 8:18-9:1; 1 Timothy 2: 1-7; Luke 16:1-13
Thanks to all for some lively mind stimulation.
We explored the parable of the unjust steward, or the dishonest manger or, as William Barkley calls it, “the bad man’s good example from Luke. The players in the story include the steward, managing an estate of an absentee landlord; a not so honest landlord; the group of folks that rented and tilled the estate. The steward was shrewd and impressed the landlord by discounting. Some of the things that we pondered over included:
Why do we put so much time and effort into securing worldly goods that ultimately are extra baggage that we leave behind? From Barkley’s commentary, “A man’s true wealth consists not in what he acquires, but what he gives away.”
Possessions are a great responsibility, how we use them unselfishly or selfishly say much about whom we are and our priorities.
We are stewards over the things of earth; we can use them wisely and benefit others.
Serving God is not part-time work; the analogy of trying to serve two masters emphasizes the difficulty that talking the talk, but not walking the walk brings to bear.
Our Bible study group meets on Wed., 7:00 - 8:00 AM, Guild Room, coffee and Danish are provided. (Thanks Don Saunders for all the weeekly goodies from Panera.) Come and join in.
submitted by Walt Jaap
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