In today’s sermon Father John discussed how Paul’s message in this week’s passage from his letter to the Romans applies to us today. He noted that the past few weeks’ readings from Romans have been more theological in spirit, but Romans 12:9-21 provides a list of what we should be doing and how we should live our lives…in fact, he said he had read that this reading has 36 imperatives for us to follow!
Father John then described how these imperatives are particularly important for Christians in times of change or uncertainty…they can serve as a guiding light for a congregation like ours which is in transition…even with Fr. Chris’ impending departure, we do not need to worry about being rudderless.
Paul is showing us what it looks like to be a community of faith. He tells us to “cling to what is good,” and in what is arguably the most important message in the passage, Paul tells us to “be devoted to one another in brotherly love.” Contrary to this teaching, Fr. John points out that when things get tough for us as individuals or even as a congregation, it is not uncommon for people to focus on ourselves. Instead, our direction should be clear with our future depending on our ability to follow Jesus’ example and being “devoted to one another in love…honoring one another above ourselves.”
Submitted by M. White