Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Preparing for Christian Formation

Notes on the Formation of Faith - I Stand in Awe

Way up high where the earth meets the sky!
Bald Eagle State Park, Allegeny National Forrest
Have you ever been somewhere where the clouds seem to touch the earth?  

There are so many simple but amazing things in our world. We know that the clouds belong to the sky and earth is the ground on which we stand and walk. How do they touch? They aren’t supposed to touch. You can stand looking at something like this and try to figure it out certain there must be a reasonable explanation and knowing that we can figure out that explanation (science and all that) or you can focus on its undeniable beauty. It’s creation if you will.  You can realize that the order we see before us can be interrupted. While it is important to understand the technical reason for such an event, it is equally important to understand the beauty. Taking in the beauty requires nothing more than a pure love of living, a grand respect for the ability to experience such an exquisite sight. It brings us joy in our heart  and we are in awe. 

Why is it that we can have the ability to jump reason and have faith in that moment of beauty yet the same mind complicates the formation of faith in being; in the God that creates it? Who we are and who we have been created to be is as simple as that moment of awe and wonder.  It also has undeniable beauty and can and should bring joy to our heart.  As we begin to think about all that we seek or want to understand about faith, do we have room for that moment of joy? Do we stand in awe of the God that created us?

Jump reason and see what’s on the other side. Likely it’s something very beautiful. How else will you know if you are able to fully have faith? Our church community is about to kick off our formation programs for children, youth and adults. We have so many new ideas and opportunities and no doubt some are still in the making.  As you plan your calendar for fall I invite you to include time for moments of pure joy that will draw you closer to God.  Get involved. Jump reason and see what happens.

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