Christmas Is Not Your Birthday by Mike Slaughter
Chapter 5- By a Different Road
And they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold and of incense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. (Matthew 2:11-12)
Just in time for Epiphany -At first I was unsure of this chapter (which is why I am posting two days later) but now it comes together in perfect time.
The holiday season as we know it has come to a close. Gifts have been exchanged and decorations are down or soon will be. Vacations have ended and travel is over for most. In just a few days we will begin 2013 with the usual hectic schedule. The most important question going forward, " what road would you hope to travel?" The timing is perfect for this question.
The author pulls the event that is Epiphany and all that it might mean into excellent perspective:
"Who were these mysterious magi who came to worship the infant Jesus? The true biblical account of the magi is an inspiring example of persistant, life altering faith.... the amount of energy and expense involved in what appeared to be a two year quest. And after the magi arrived at their destination, they offered Jesus treasures that would have been worthy only of a king."He uses three marks as examples of their true committment:
- "They bowed down and worshiped him." When we acknowledge Jesus as Lord we humbly submitt to his authority. (two tough words for us to swallow) How often in your life to you act humbly and subbmitt to any other authority?
- "They opened their treasures." God creates miracles through the resources you and I hold in our hands. Plain and simple if we open our hearts, we open the possiblities.
- "They returned to their country by a different road." Belief is simple, but changing course - or repenting and changing our life attitudes and practices - is often a hard committment to make. The thought of this statement is overwhelming. If you were to consider this change where would you begin? My father was a very wise man. He was quiet most of the time but when he spoke it was meaningful. He would not have been seen by most standards as a holy man yet he taught me to always look for the possiblities that God offers. The statement I remember most, " You start at the beginning and break things down. From there everything is possible." He is chuckling from heaven as I quote him. Love you, Dad!
There is much more in this chapter but we will wrap it up here.
Putting all of this together I'd venture to say, this Epiphany, taking the first step, we humbly submitt to Jesus' authority in our lives and with hearts open our journey will begin by a different road. In our culture the word epiphany has come to mean that aha moment where meaning bursts forward and many thoughts join as one. I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to share this book with all of you and I pray that moment is close at hand for you.
Peace & Prayers,
Questions for Reflection:
- How can you simplify your home to create more room for peace and togetherness rather than more stuff? What excess can you get rid of in your home and schedule to more accurately reflect where your priorities lie?
- What would it mean for you to "seek God's Kingdom first"? What changes would that shift necessitate in your life?
- Take a moment to think of ways you can make first things first in the New Year. Finish the following questions:
I will spend more time with people I love by ___________________________________.
I will demonstrate my faith in practical service by_______________________________.
I will cultivate my relationship with God by____________________________________.
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