Tuesday, May 1, 2012

This Bread &This Cup: First Communion class turns up some interesting thoughts...

If I were to choose a time that is most exciting in the spiritual life of a young child, I would choose First Communion.  Most of us don't remember the day we are baptized unless of course we choose to wait until we are an adult.  So the first big event we remember is learning about The Holy Eucharist. Our memories are filled with fancy dresses and veils and stiff ties and polished shoes. You knew just from the fuss that this was a big deal! Then there was remembering where to stand and what to say and the dreaded "what if I drop the host?"  We smile now at those thoughts and images and realize what the big deal was really all about, saying yes to an honor: inviting God in and rubbing elbows with him at the dinner table.

 On Sunday I had the honor if sitting in on our first communion class and it was beautiful! Props go out to Linda Sordan who is teaching the class.  She is so comfortable bringing this very complex subject into the lives of our children.  We are incredibly blessed to have her gifts here at St. Thomas.Thank you,Linda for your love and dedication to our children!

Here is a sneak peak  into the conversation we shared:
Q: "What are the biggest celebrations in your home?"
A: Christmas, birthdays, new babies

Q: Let's talk about the meal.  What's on the table?
A: Turkey, cranberries, flowers, more turkey, fancy plates, dessert

Q: Is the whole family together?
A: Oh yeah! aunts, uncles and sometimes people you've never seen before.

As you can guess all of this conversation leads into the meal that we have at church each Sunday and how we, too, share in the celebration as one big family in Christ. It is a wonderful reminder to all the adults in the room, myself included, that we are not alone in that special moment and that Christians all over the world are celebrating with us. Soak in the wonder and awe. Make that special effort to receive the body and blood of Christ as if for the first time as these children will do.

I invite you, the parishioners of St Thomas, to be sure to be present this Mother's Day, May 13th at the 10:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary as we celebrate with these familes and show our love and support as their family in Christ. A special reception will be held following the service in the Curry Garden in honor of First Communion and Mother's Day.

A Thought for Parents: As we approach the altar each Sunday what does the practice of receiving Holy Communion mean for us? Are we present in mind, body, and spirit? What can we teach our children by our actions? We invite you to share your thoughts.

Here is a short perspective from an insightful Christian Educator. This is a wonderful site well worth visiting.
From the blog: Rows of Sharon : Thoughts of a Christian Educator


We who are many are one body, for we all share in the one bread. (Enriching Our Worship)

The Holy Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, and the Mass) is a central event in liturgical churches. All five senses are engaged in communion, and it is the most interactive part of worship. Eucharist means “thanksgiving” and is a memorial meal in which we share the presence of Christ among us, through his body and blood (bread and wine) which was given for us.

Just something to ponder..... See you on the 13th.
Peace, Elaine

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