Paul wrote a desperate letter to the churches in Galatia that he
helped establish on his first missionary journey. This letter differs
from those (recorded in the Bible) to churches in other regions. Paul
does not praise the Galatians for their faith or perseverance.
After his initial greeting, Paul goes directly to the point of the letter.
Confusion had arisen inside the church, grace was missing and
works were back! He was amazed that they have accepted false
teaching and a very different gospel form the Good News he
The Judaizers were convincing the Gentiles that becoming a Jew was
required before they could become a true follower of Christ.
Apparently, Paul had heard more than just about weakened doctrine,
he begged the Galatians to hold onto true faith against the
temptations of "this present evil age". He gave a long list of acts
prompted from the sinful nature, a.k.a. bad fruit (Galatians 5:19-21):
• sexual immorality • debauchery
• drunkenness • filthy language
• selfish ambition • fits of rage
• evil desires • impurity
• factions • jealousy
• witchcraft • orgies
• slander • malice
• idolatry • hatred
• lust • envy
• greed • anger
• deceit
What would Paul have thought of the Super Bowl half time show?
Paul follows in Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
Development of these characteristics gives evidence that faith in
Jesus is what motivates the believer.
In our weekly class we will consider each fruit individually and as a
building block to maturing in faith and dependence on the Holy Spirit
to lead us to become more like Christ.
Also, since we are going into this study just before the season of
Lent, it seems appropriate to consider our journey to salvation.
Paul wrote his most influential letter to the Church in Roman. In it he
clearly explains the progression from understanding our sinful nature
to personally sharing in the resurrection of Jesus Christ!
Many have come to faith through understanding this progression,
including Martian Luther.
Luther was a very pious monk, who really worked to live to please
God. Finding it impossible to live a truly righteous life, he became
angry with God for imposing such impossible standards. While
studying Paul's letter to the Roman's, the light bulb went off!
The progression is,
SIN, which sees the LOVE of God
glimpses SALVATION.
Salvation from eternal death gives undiluted JOY,
especially when it is free, by God's GRACE,
There is one string attached to free,
FAITH in the work of His Son!
Jesus' sacrifice provides us, who believe with RIGHTEOUSNESS,
not innocence, but forgiven of sin in God's eyes. Now that is PEACE!
Peace within our heart, mind and body frees us to look at other's
without self-centered interest, but with PATIENCE.
We are JUSTIFIED by Christ, reunited to our Creator,
and free to choose daily to follow the lead of His Holy Spirit.
A right relationship with God focuses us on what is really important,
loving God and loving KINDNESS for each other!
The more we choose to relinquish control and follow Him, the more
we are made clean of sin--SANCTIFIED, and finally called GOOD
because we choose to do what is right not out of fear but love!
Progression continues, we are REDEMMED and more FAITHFUL to
Now we can face DEATH as Christ did, with the GENTLENESS to be
more concerned about His mother and friend's than Himself.
He knew RESURRECTION would follow,
and so do we, therefore, we can exhibit in our daily life the SELFCONTROL
to want to obey.
Actually we give up self in favor of Spirit Control.
Our study continues considering KINDNESS of character developing out of increased awareness of God's LOVE in spite of our sin. God in unconditional love for us offers salvation from the deserved penalty for sin. It is a free gift, by His grace, which gives God joy to offer, and us JOY and PEACE when we accept it by faith. Faith in Jesus as God's Son, whose sacrifice on the cross was payment for our sin, provides us with righteousness, free from sin in God's eyes. PATIENCE grows as we experience peace knowing we are right with God. Patience gives us time to see our selves forgiven and see other's with an empathetic point of view.
righteousness KINDNESS justification
a. What do you think is Satan's greatest "tool"?
b. What tools do you use to fight temptation?
c. Did fasting from something last week help you resist temptation and/or focusing more on God?
REVIEW: RIGHTEOUSNESS, discussed last week, Jesus, when tempted by the Devil, with patience choose to do what He came to do–according to God's purpose, the right way.
When we accept Christ's path for our life, we get to wear His clothes of righteousness instead of our sin rags. God sees us as belonging to Jesus, and looks at us as holy thru FAITH
2. PASSAGE: Luke 5:27-32
27After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. "Follow Me," Jesus said to him, 28and Levi got up, left everything and followed Him. 29Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. 30But the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who belonged to their sect complained to His disciples, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and 'sinners'?" 31Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.".
[After this, this is the call of Andrew & Peter, James & John–fishermen who worked together, and also many healings (including Peter's mother in law), and calming of the sea.
Mark 1:28 states Jesus' fame had spread through out all the region around Galilee. Levi was in the same region by the sea.
Levi became Matthew at conversion
booth Mark and Matthew call it an office it was a sort of franchise!]
3. The Pharisees put tax collectors in a class with obvious sinners. Why do you think Jesus chose a tax collector?
4. Imagine yourself as one of the chosen apostles. From what you know about them
a. With which one could you identify?
b. Why?
5. Levi left everything and immediately followed Jesus' invitation. What do you think you would have done?
a. What does his immediate response imply?
b. The next thing Levi did was _____________________________?
6. Levi's name became Matthew, "gift of God", when he followed Jesus.
a. What gift came from Matthew to God's people?
b. What did Jesus "see" in Matthew that caused Him to choose him?
1 SAMUEL 16:1-13 Samuel Anoints David. We remember God's example of kindness
in choosing David, the youngest of Jesse's sons to become the future king .....
Mark 1:41 Moved with compassion, Jesus reached out and touched him. "I am willing," He said. "Be healed" (Leper who could not do as Jesus asked "tell no one" but told everyone)
Romans 10:10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
7. Define:
a. sympathy=
b. empathy=
c. compassion=
d. kindness=
8. Define: Justification using Romans 10:10
9. What does kindness look like in a church community?
CHALLENGE: Encourage someone's potential
Visualize: pirate ship, plank, crocodile, Jesus flies in, Jesus gets in your place,
Jesus walks the plank, one "day" goes by with no Jesus....
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