Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy New Year

Sermon notes 11/27

Father John wished the congregation a happy new year, recognizing the first Sunday of Advent as well the first Sunday of the church year.  He then acknowledged that the reading from Mark 13:24-37 dealing with the end of time and reflecting on our relationship with God can be a difficult way to start the new year.  Similarly, the reading from Isaiah dealt with the end of the Israelites’ Babylonian exile which also symbolized their exile from God reflecting their poor relationship with God.

Father John said that Advent is about our preparation for the Son’s coming.  And this time is about where we are looking for God.  Our society’s behavior on Black Friday suggests that for some of us, our relationship is more oriented around our things vs. God.  Father John pointed out that in the heat of the shopping frenzy, a “competitive shopper” actually used pepper spray on her neighbors at a Wal-Mart during Black Friday this weekend.   People are camping out for days and fighting over merchandise with a passion that stands in contrast with the intensity of our relationship with God. 

So what should our relationship with God be?  Jesus’ life was an example of what it should be and was clear in his teaching:  1) love our neighbor as ourselves; 2) love God with our whole heart.  If we can do this, our focus will change away from the things of the world to a relationship with God that will prepare us for the Son’s coming.   

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