Monday, September 19, 2011

Show Me God is Real...Where Scripture Meets Everyday Life

Greeting Parents,

This month is shaping up to be a wonderful experience for our children,
not to mention a ton of FUN!

*      We send a HUGE THANK YOU to Lauren White and all of our Sunday
School Crew for their participation in the Service last Sunday. The 9-11
Prayer, as it has now been titled, has drawn many wonderful comments
from all and was a very special part of a very special service.

*      We also were able to complete FLAG cards to send off for our
deployed servicemen and the policemen and firefighters of NYC.

*      Filming began to create our Wish You Well DVD that we hope to
send with our cards and packages to those mentioned above. We will be
creating video all throughout the month of September as different
children join us.

*      This week we will begin collecting items for the packages that
will be sent off to the loved ones of our St Thomas family serving our
country. Attached is a list of items that would be appropriate to ship
at this time of the year. We'll have bins ready and waiting!

*      This past Sunday was Sandwich Sunday. This is one of the items the kids
listed as a priority project throughout the year. We will have our
regular Sunday School hour at 9:00, join the service at the offertory
and then join in on sandwich making as soon as the service ends. We
invite all Sunday School families to join us and make this ministry a
huge success.
Thank you to our Sunday School Team for making
this happen for our kids

See you Sunday..You ROCK!

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