Friday, February 4, 2011

From the men's bible study, Feb.2

Isaiah 58: 1-9a

This is from, the compilation of writings that scholars term, “Third Isaiah”; written at a time after the remnant returned from Babylon. The reading brings us to the issues that still concern ourselves with today, namely, true devotion and not an empty ritual. Isaiah condemns the type of fasting which the Israelites were practicing- “You serve your own interest, and oppress all your workers. Such fasting as you do today will not make your voice heard on high.” Fast was set forth in Leviticus 23; Isaiah was noting the problem that a superficial performance is not going to cut it; God does not just call for denial of a little food, we should be constantly live lives of self-denial, dividing what God gives us with others, and sharing with the poor and the needy. Can we make the fast acceptable? In last verses, Isaiah reaches out with hope and redemption: “healing shall spring up, the glory of the Lord shall be the rear guard (tying things back to Exodus and the flight from Egypt), you shall call out and the Lord will answer.” A link to our gospel reading has to do with light- “your light shall break forth like the dawn” Light is a inspirational image, when you are in the dark moments, the light of God can make an instantaneous change in outlook, and relationships. “This little light of mine, I’m going to make it shine, make it shine, make it shine!”

First Corinthians 2: 1-12

Paul is in Ephesus, at another of his many mission churches. Things in Corinth were on shaky ground, not just from earthquakes. Corinth was the meeting point of many nationalities because of trade between Asia and Western Europe passed through its harbors. Paul wrote this letter to correct what he saw as erroneous views in the Corinthian church. Several sources informed Paul of conflicts within the church at Corinth: Apollos (Acts 19:1), a letter from the Corinthians, the "household of Chloe," and finally Stephanas and his two friends who had visited Paul (1:11; 16:17). Paul then wrote this letter to the Corinthians, urging uniformity of belief. The two groups at odds with one another were the Greeks that traditionally sought reason and wisdom to resolve all debates and the Jewish tradition of signs and miracles to justify God. Paul in his typical-practical method does not address wisdom or signs as the way to God. His words are very straight to the point- “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” He is telling the Corinthians to shut up about human wisdom and signs. Paul tells the Church at Corinth to realize that God’s wisdom is something very special; “what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived.” The bottom line from Paul to his flock in Corinth is, guys you have the Holy Spirit of God and it brings us gifts and benefits far beyond human wisdom. We still have tendencies to worship big brains.

Matthew 5: 13-20
This reading deals with chemistry (salt) and physics (light).
You are the salt of the earth, SALT, Sodium Chloride, NaCl, Salt melts at 801 °C and boils at 1413°C. In the time of Jesus, salt preserved food, was expensive, and in Jewish tradition had a great deal of lore associated with it. Salt was connected with purity- it was an offering to God in certain ceremonies. Salt throughout human history has had importance; the region around Salzburg (Salt town) Austria became very rich from salt mines and the Bishop of Salzburg was on near equal footing with Pope from salt mine revenues. Salt renders flavor to bland foods. So if you are like salt, you will spice up the group you are with. Get the message- be like salt, be pure like a crystal of salt and spice it up.

You are the Light of the World! We are back to Isaiah here- light illuminating Christian values. From Barkley’s commentary, “There is no such thing as a secret discipleship.” Let it shine- Your Christianity should glow. How do we do that? Not that difficult, Love one another as God Loves You, be a Christian 24/7. Light as a guide- light as a warning of danger. Think of all of the ways that light is a power to overcome evil and darkness.

Submitted by Walt Jaap

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