Join us as we prepare to meet, greet and raise up the families of St. Thomas as well as our neighbors in the surrounding communities.
We will be hosting the Safeguarding God's Children course this Sunday, April 17th following the 10 a.m. services at 12:30 p.m. in the Guild Room Light refreshments will be provided.This allows all who would like to be a part of all of our great activities with families to participate. There is certainly much to do with Lock Ins, VBS and mission trips and there is the perfect place for each person to contribute their spiritual gifts!
Please call the church office to register for the class, 896-9641.
Here's the line up of special events:
Mini Mission for The Bridge (4th/5th grade and MS alumni) - MAD Beach Mini Mission Experience - Fri. April 29, 5:00 p.m.- Sun. May1,9:00 a.m.
Our SPRING Children's Lock In will be held mid May, tentative date of Friday, May 13th, 7pm to 8am Saturday morning.
VBS 2016 is looking for many volunteers from now until the week of the event, June 20-24,
5-8 p.m. This year we travel to Egypt as we explore the life of Joseph from Prison to Palace. Please plan to join us as we live the culture and study the story. It promises to be filled with adventure you won't want to miss.
For more details on any or all of these events please contact Elaine Patrick in the church office. 896-9641.