Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pecans are here!

  • We have received the regular halves and both types of chocolate in time for Thanksgiving. 
  • All orders have been filled and are ready and waiting in the church office.
  • Slips have been created that note what is owed if you ordered buttered or praline and we have all orders tracked.  We will call you as soon as they arrive.
  • if you have not prepaid, please plan to pay at the time of pick up. You can call ahead to the church office for totals at 896-9641.
There are limited supplies of extras for sale in the church office as well.  Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Nativity Play Sign Ups and Workshop One tonight,5:30pm, Founders Room

Come one, come all!

This years Nativity Play gets under way tonight with our first workshop:

Script Writing - Telling the Story. We invite all ages to join us for no one is too young or too old to  hear this story.

Promptly at 5:30 p.m. (lots to do!)
Founder's Room (located in the church office building)

We will:
  • take a look at where the story comes from
  • find the cast of characters and important information
  • and give a try at creating our own poem based on what we hear
See you there!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Informational meeting for this years Natvity Play, Wed. 10/21,5:30p

Sacred Arts Series continues with  Journey to Bethlehem

The Information
It's time to gather and plan.  We invite all families wishing to take part in this years Nativity Play to come and see what we have in store. This year brings a new approach to the age old tradition of the celebration of the birth of Christ from a child's eyes.  It is always a  beautiful sight from the first of the sheep herd and littlest angel to the proud parents of the new born. All these God filled children working so hard to get it just right! This year we'll look inside the miracle of the story.

The Series
Each Wednesday, 5:30 - 6:00 beginning with November 4th, we will explore each aspect of the 'put together' of the play. Clinics will include script writing, costume & prop construction, the setting: including flowers, preparing of the altar, lighting & sound and of course music. 

The Result
All of this preparation (and learning) will come together on the weekend of December 18-20.  Friday, Dec. 18 we will experience  a  live Nativity (animals and all) on the point in front of the church from 6-8 p.m., Sat. Dec. 19 beginning at 9:00 we will have a run through practice of the play followed by baking and building Gingerbread Nativity, and Sunday Dec 20 the Nativity Play will take place in Harmony Service at 10:00 a.m.

All in all our hope is to have our families, especially our kids, experience this Advent and Christmas season like never before!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

CASA Kaboom! Join the team today!!

A New Outreach Opportunity with an Old Friend

As St. Thomas gets reacquainted with CASA  we look for ways to support their Capital Campaign to raise funds for their new facility and also hope to provide helping hands in building out the grounds of this brand new "home away from home".  The outreach committee has dedicated funds and the Sunday School has raised money through their first bake sale and hope to do one more in November. Our tour there was very informative and beyond impressive. You definitely leave the facility and the staff with the feeling of hope and a wish and prayer of being a part of a very important movement in our community.

In addition we would like to round up ten (10) volunteers to help build a Kaboom! Playground for the many children (and their families) who find themselves in need of CASA's shelter and many services.  This project commitment has quick turn around so our deadline for sign up is TOMORROW, October 21st!
Please call the church office at 896-9641 to have your name put on the sign up sheet. Pam Hamby will be back in touch with you to confirm and relay any additional details.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pecan preorder time!

This week only for Pecan Preorders - Send it our way NOW

Pecans are a sure sign that the holidays are close here at St. Thomas.  For your convenience we are send you the order form electronically this year. You can print and go! All order forms are to be returned by Sunday, October 25th and our order will be phoned in on the 26th. 

As always there will be forms available in the portico, parish hall and church office.

In the thick of things

Bringing People Together

Please bring an appetizer or bottle of wine to share
We are all in the middle of many activities all the time.  This week and next at St Thomas we hope you'll  check out some of the special opportunities designed to pause the busy schedule and come together. RSVP as needed to the Church office @896-9641 or

Also, please let us know if child care is needed in  for you to participate  and we will do our best to assist you!

     Cardboard Box City

Sleep Out, Rock Out, Knock Out


Raising funds for Family Promise
Let's support progress in Pinellas County
If you are interested in checking this out, meet us there!

 Trunk or Treat / Wed. Oct. 28th
Let the decorating begin!
 5:30 p.m. just before Supper, Song & Prayer
Share in the Halloween Fun then join us for a "home cooked "
pot luck dinner and a look at youth ministry leadership!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Kids Weekend at St. Thomas - check for changes

Lock In Tonight!

Children's Lock In/ Fall Edition
The tradition continues...

Hello everyone.  Quick reminder that tonight is our Fall Lock In. Please RSVP to the office today if you plan on attending. Here's the scoop:

Ages K - 6th Grade
Youth are welcome to come and help out also (no cost f you are volunteering
and yes you can stay over night too!)

Cost is $10 per child
Includes dinner, snacks and lite breakfast 

Don't forget to bring:
sleeping bag with blanket or mattress, optional
pj's and change of clothes
flash light with fresh batteries

Begins 7:00 p.m. with sign in and dinner in the Library. Drop off will be in the Snell Isle lot and enter through the Nursery door. 

From there we will move directly outside to pumpkin carving and bobbing for apples in the Curry Garden.  We'll have all the usual favorites with a scavenger hunt, sardines (hide and seek) and more.

PJ Chapel at 9:00 p.m. and the movie and Sundae Bar to follow.
Don't forget we will have our Blessing of the Animals Service on Saturday Morning at 9:00 a.m.
We will need a few parents to help set up for Harmony Service in the Parish Hall also.

Please also note that we will be rescheduling the youth pool party that was on the calendar for tomorrow, 10/3, 1-4 pm.

We will bring it back to the youth to determine the new date and let everyone know as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Friday, September 25, 2015

Calling all bakers, join the celebration!

It's a full out baking weekend!

This weekend we celebrate with Moravian Music in our 10:00 a.m. Traditional Service. We will follow worship with a touch of  cultural tradition know as the Moravian Love Feast.  A reception will take place in our Garden (weather permitting, prayer please!) where we will serve specialty coffee and Moravian treats including fresh baked buns.

If you love to bake or just enjoy gathering around a kitchen with a cup of good coffee, please join us Saturday afternoon at around 11:30 am for a lite lunch of salad and ice tea after which we will bake buns, decorate baskets and get set for Sunday.

Please RSVP to the church office by this afternoon by 4:00 p.m.

In addition the Sunday School will hold a bake sale to support CASA this Sunday during the reception.  If you would like to help us raise funds to support the new shelter building and to increase awareness on domestic violence, please bring bake goods, ready to sell grouped or individually wrapped to the kitchen any time Sunday morning.  We'll take it from there!!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Calling All Ringers,"Chime In" family ring this Wednesday at 5:30

Just when you think you are familiar with St Thomas something NEW pops up!

Over the years we have launched a variety of musical opportunities for children and youth.  Chime in is new and very different.  It will be the first in a series of segments all focused on the Sacred Arts.

Here's a quick announcement as we begin this week. More to come on the series in the Youth & Family Exchange Enews coming out this week.

Fall “Chime-In” for kids & youth

This is “Mr. Rick” calling all kids and youth! Come, learn how to play chimes and bells, on Wednesdays 5:30pm-6:10, right before Supper, Song & Prayer. We’ll start September 16 with a “Group Ring”, for kids, youth and their parents. Then 9-23, 9-30 & 10-7 the kids and youth will prepare to ring for worship on Sunday 10-11. Come on out and “Chime in”!

Monday, August 17, 2015

Pass it On

The gospels are peppered with people that were considered bad or mistakes of creation. Rather than avoiding humanity’s contradictions and disorder, Jesus relishes them, seeks them out, and uses them to undo the very things that other people took as certainties.
-Br. Robert L'Esperance
Society of Saint John the Evangelist

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Everest VBS 2015 The Latest News

This time of year is always fill with tension and anticipation.  Families are winding down the school year with tests and projects, concerts and final field trips yet the feel of summer is in the air and so close you can almost touch it!

Our preparation for VBS is much the same. Much to do to be ready for the kids and their families. And the excitement builds as we approach the date. The weeks will go by quickly. And before you know it we'll be laughing and playing, singing and praying together
Here's a run down of the preparations and the details to date:

Our Spring Lock In/VBS 201Sneak Peek 

This Friday, May 8th

 Begins Friday at 7:00 p.m. to Saturday at 9:00 a.m.
 This is a great night of fun and fellowship for K- 6th grade. Come for the evening or the overnight. 

  • Includes dinner and light breakfast 
  • $10 per child and bring a favorite snack to share
  • Please call the church office to RSVP. 896-9641

Everest 2015 - Conquering Challenges with God's Mighty Power

June 15-19, 5-8 p.m., Cost: $35

Come Climb the Mountain with Us! 

• Family Style Dinner
included each night
• Ages: 3 yrs. to 5th Grade
• Early bedtime option available for 3’s & 4’s
Innovative workshop including storytelling, games,
media, art and science. Service projects for all ages
integrated into the program.  

Please return all registrations with payment to the church office ASAP. 
This promises to be one incredible week.  Volunteers needed in all areas. There is a place for you, a small task that will lighten the load. Look for sign up sheets or call the church office for more information.

Scholarships and Service: Each year we offer the opportunity for parishioners to help children attend VBS by sponsoring a scholarship. The cost for each child is $35. If you would like to sponsor a child you may simple make the donation by marking it 'for VBS scholarship'. In past years we have partnered with Happy Workers Child care Center. This year these scholsrships will be available for parish or community families who may need assistance. Any scholarship monies that are left after registration is complete will be moved to our Service Project Fund.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Pass It On

When he was lifted up he drew all people, all things to himself. All things, from the most distant fires of the cosmos to the most intimate embers of the soul. A fundamental unity, the very ground of our being, has drawn it all to himself.
-Br. Mark Brown
Society of Saint John the Evangelist

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

New Adult Offering : Simply Good News by N.T. Wright

Why the Gospel is News and What Makes It Good

Class offerings will be held in the Guild Room
Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m.
Best selling scholar  N.T Wright reveals what the Good News really is and how the church often gets the story wrong.  Biblically the Christian faith is presented as good news. That is the original meaning of the Old English word GOSPEL.  Somehow we have gotten confused.  N.T. Wright writes this book to challenge where we have taken this concept.  He submits that the news has turned into advice - advice on what to do, what not to do. How should we live, how should we pray? And front and center - what is the right path to get to heaven? What might be needed is to discern the difference between news and advice and then listen more closely to the news that Jesus and his first followers were all about.

Join us as Dr. Chuck Jones guides us through this important topic and discussion to a greater understanding of 'where in the world' Christians are with their faith.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Your Guide to Holy Week and Easter

Lent is coming to a close. Holy Week is here and we will begin the final journey with Jesus to the Cross. We are thankful to all those who have dedicated there time and energy throughout the weeks of Lent to provide opportunity for us to study and reflect, work and worship and devote ourselves to growing deeper and stronger as a family of Christ.

You will find listed here all of the services of Holy Week and Easter. 
Purple italicized text indicates help is requested! 

The Sunday of the Passion
(Palm Sunday)
Sunday, March 29, 2015
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. Traditional and Harmony Services will begin together in the Curry Garden and each will be led to the Sanctuary and Parish Hall by crusifer and hand bell accompaniment.
6:00 p.m. Service will be held in the Chapel.

Monday in Holy Week
Monday, March 30, 2015
Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
7:00 p.m.

Tuesday in Holy Week
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Holy Eucharist in the Chapel
Acoustical accompaniment
7:00 p.m.

Wednesday in Holy Week
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Choral Tenebrae in the Sanctuary
7:00 p.m.
This ancient service of light, shadows and darkness will include chanted psalms, choral responsaries and scripture as God's light of the world, that came to us in the Incarnation, is slowly hidden from the world.  This Service will highlight the music of Canadian composer, Healey Willan.

Maundy Thursday
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Agape Meal and Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall
6:00 p.m.
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil are three episodes in the Holy Triduum by which we die and rise to new life in Christ.  You are invited to share in the first part of this continuous service beginning with a meal, which builds on the experience of early Christians who met for fellowship, to share the Lord's Supper and to worship God.
There are six food items needed for the meal. We will also be looking for assistance with set up and clean up. Please see sign up sheets in the Portico and Parish Hall or you may call the church office and speak with Pam.

The Watch
Thursday, April 2, 2015 through Friday, April 3, 2015
Begins at 8:00 p.m. at the Altar of Repose in the Chapel and ends at 7:30 a.m., Good Friday morning. There are openings beginning with the 10:00 p.m. hour through 5:00 a.m. hour. Remember we try to have 2 people signed up for each hour.

Good Friday
Friday, April 3, 2015
Good Friday Liturgy in the Sanctuary
12 noon and 7:00 p.m.

Easter Vigil, Saturday
with Baptisms in the Sanctuary
Saturday, April 4, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Through the "Service of Light", the "Service of Lessons", "Renewal of Baptismal Vows" and the first Eucharist of Easter we follow God's mighty actions in the world culminating in Christ's Resurrection. Music will include many hymns, canticles and choral works of J.S. Bach, Felice Anerio and others.

Celebration of the Day of Resurrection: Easter Day
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Festival Choral Eucharist
8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. Sanctuary
A Festival Brass Quintet will join the choir and organ to fill the church with Alleluias. Music will include early Baroque works of Giovanni Gabrieli and Jacob Gallus, an Alleluia from the Renaissance and new music composed especially for our worship here at St. Thomas.  Preludes will start early so come and join the celebration.

Harmony Service, Parish Hall
10:00 a.m.

Additional Activities in and around the Parish

Way of the Cross Reenactment /Downtown St. Pete
Begins at The Cathedral of St. Peter at 7:30 a.m. Good Friday morning:

 The Way of the Cross
Every year, on the morning of Good Friday, our youth re-enact the Stations of the Cross throughout downtown St. Petersburg. This service has been a Cathedral tradition since 1974.

As our youth observe this centuries-old rite throughout the Cathedral's surrounding neighborhood, a large and diverse crowd of solemn observers gather and follow along.

Wearing costumes, having memorized their lines and rehearsed their parts for months, the youth lead the procession from the steps of the Cathedral to the city courthouse, down a dank and dirty alleyway, then on through Williams Park, and finally back to the Cathedral's garden, before concluding inside the Cathedral sanctuary.

At each of the traditional 14 stations, the youth recite prayers and re-enact the scene. It is an intense and moving experience.

St. Thomas Parish - wide Egg Hunt in Curry Garden

Once again this year we will hold our annual parish wide egg hunt at 9:00 a.m. Easter Sunday morning.  250 eggs will be hidden in the Curry Garden with the assistance of our youth.  Coffee with light breakfast will be served while our children scurry around in excitement searching for treasure.  Toddler to 12 years of age participate. Children over 12 can assist the younger ones in their search.
BYOB - (bring your own basket) is helpful - we will have some bags available if needed.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lent - It's Personal, or is it? Take some time with this one!

The Community 
For several weeks now we have been talking about the upcoming season of Lent. People have been busy preparing classes. We've listened to beautiful sermons. Researched methods, material and even the tools to get them to you. We celebrated in fellowship with a very successful "Fat Tuesday" like Chili Cook Off event.   Energy and intention is high.

Some have confessed dreading Lent in the past. All the different options available now suggest that we might be trying to make it desirable to "practice" a Lenten discipline. Don't make this a monumental task. That gives you the best excuse not to follow through. This is "only as great as it needs to be, no greater" (A. Einstein) and you have back up. Great things are happening all over the world.  We caught a glimpse in Women of the Word this week, check this out: A Message from our Presiding Bishop, A Lenten Carbon Fast, and Wash Day You can't deny this is very cool and simply,amazingly Christ. We have strong leadership, creative energy and GOD on our side.

The Person
When Ash Wednesday comes (this week!) have a prayerful conversation with God, He (She) will very likely tell you it will be OK - like all great parents do. In fact it will be very good!

It's all in the doing:
Do what matters,
What 's the impact?
Do what makes sense,
 Can you see a purpose?
Do what leaves you wanting more, 
How will it help you (and your loved ones) grow?

As you choose, remember your faith community is behind you. And though the choosing is personal, we're all praying each other through it!

Adult Education 

Sharing the GOSPEL
Beyond the Crib and the Cross
Sunday Mornings at 9:00 a.m. in the Guild Room
February 15- March 29
led by Julie Songster

Commit to "DO" Lent 2015 with the intention of spending focused time daily renewing your relationship with the Lord, and sharing weekly with each other growing and glowing in love.
Several Lenten Study resources will be shared through the class and you are welcome to bring any you may find and share with the group.

Now they heard this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, " Brothers,what shall we do?"                                                                     Acts 2:37
Resources Julie has available:
Forward Day by Day, February/March/April 2015,
Lent is Not Rocket Science, An Exploration of God,Creation, and the Cosmos by W. Nicholas Kinsey,
A Wondrous Love, Daily Lenten Meditations and Prayers, Henri J.M. Nouwen and C.S. Lewis,
A Grown-Up Lent, When giving up Chocolate Isn't Enough by Joanna Leiserson

The Way of the Cross
Wednesday Evenings at 6:00 p.m. Supper, Song and Prayer
Each week will be a soup and bread supper, (St. Thomas Staff will take week one)
led by Rev. Janet Tunnell

The devotion known as the Way of the Cross is an adaptation to local usage of a custom widely observed by pilgrims to Jerusalem: the offering of a prayer at a series of places traditionally associated with our Lord’s passion and death.

Historically there are 14 stations, of which, only 8 are based on incidents from the Gospels. In 1991, Pope John Paul II identified 14 scriptural stations and this service is based on those scriptural
stations. It is customary, in the Episcopal Church to do the service on Good Friday, but they can be done anytime during Lent.

We will explore several stations per week for you to then delve deeper into on your own. Maybe Stations of the Cross together on Good Friday? Rev. Janet is willing, if there is an interest.

Individual/Online Option:
Society of St. John the Evangelist
The Brothers of Cambridge, Mass.

Stop,Pray,Work, Play & Love
Video series with a short series of questions for reflection. This study focuses on time and the needed balance of it in our lives. Direct, thoughtful and relevant.  Available by email for all devices.

For the Family 

Each year we research all the calendar options and this year our recommendation comes from PRAYING in COLOR, Drawing a New Path to God. This is a different type of calendar in that it is open ended. Don't let that scare you - kids take to this naturally.  We introduced it in Sunday School today by  asking the question, Where is GOD now? While taking a walk together we drew out the places where GOD was present using all five senses.  You could do the same exercise by talking through the day's events with your child or reading daily scripture at bedtime. Use one space a day to denote what you learn with color, image or word.

Sybil MacBeth gives us the magic at Preprinted posters available in the church office as well as at Service locations.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Souper Bowl of Caring - Let's Do It!!

BIG week for outreach

Let's KICK it off right 

A National Youth Effort

We'll be collecting canned goods and monetary donations after the 8:00 a,m. Service and before and after both 10:00 a.m. Services this Sunday, February 1st.   We began participating in this event  in 1997 and this will be our 9th year.  Help us to make it a BIG success.

For more information:

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Annual Meeting, Sunday, January 25th following 10 a.m. service

It's that time again!

Annual Meeting of St Thomas Episcopal Church

Sunday, January 25, 2015
following 10:00 a.m. Services
in the Parish Hall

Meet the vestry
Hear about our current and upcoming plans
Be a part of the church's future

Light refreshments and child care provided

Car Wash fundraiser for mini mission weekend. Sponsored by The Bridge
After 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Services.
Get your car washed while you attend the Annual Meeting!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

WINTER JAM this Saturday, January 10th, R U going?

The Youth are heading to Winter Jam this Saturday, January 10th 

We'll be leaving the church parking lot - Snell Isle side at 3:00 p.m.  Packing a cooler of drinks and snack for the road and waiting in line time.  Doors open at 5:00, concert starts at 6:00.  

Ticket cost is $10. Large group=more fun, bring friends! Cool adults welcome.

Must RSVP for transport to the Times Forum OR Meeting us there? - let us know by Friday.
???'s - contact Elaine Patrick or Deb Gladfelter