Christ was lifted up from the earth in his crucifixion; he was lifted up from the earth in his resurrection and ascension. We lift him up in our hearts and in our witness, in our proclamation. This is our primary vocation as Christians.
Grace Based Parenting - Part Three Raising Kids for True Greatness
Yes, it's true we're starting a parenting study in MAY!
I know what your thinking:
" It's crazy! I have so much happening with the end of the school year, preparing for summer vacations and then there's work!"
The truth is as parents we are always 'crazy' with schedules, juggling of responsibilities and life's unexpected "gifts". If we wait for the right time to focus on learning it may never come. Parenting is a demanding job and the best way to be and stay prepared is to take time out for ourselves; to be together and to learn. We'll learn from each other and from God's Word. This is great material you won't want to miss.
Give your self and your kids this enormous gift. 50 minutes each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. This first week we'll rocket through the first two studies so you'll have a foundation. You'll go home with a great sense of what Grace based Parenting is all about. (for those who have been faithful followers it will be a great review and your presence adds great depth to the discussion!)
In the weeks to follow we'll share food, fellowship, and information:
10 minute introduction with prayer and reflection,
20 minute video,
20 minute discussion
and your out the door!
Our time is short so we'll start precisely at 9:00. The study will provide the book, Raising Kids for True Greatness by Dr. Tim Kimmel and a workbook option. Spending time with these resources during the week is purely optional. You may choose to follow during the study or read at your leisure over the summer. Either way it is information worth having.
Our Nursery will open at 8:50 a.m. for the next 8 weeks. Kids of all ages are welcome during this hour while the study is being held.
I invite you to hop out of bed (OK, so maybe move with intent) just a little bit early this Sunday. The coffee will be waiting for you and your children's friends will be waiting for them! You have nothing to lose and a great deal to gain.
Today it all begins: Holy Week, and God’s great work of salvation. Let us ask God to bless us all on the journey, to give us grace to “feel the weight of the cross” as we follow Jesus along the Via Crucis. But let us walk the way with hope and trust in our hearts, for we know and rejoice that the weight of the cross will become the weight of glory.
It's sprimgtime and First Communion Classes are ready to begin. We will begin this Sunday, April 5th at 9:00 a.m. in the Guild Room. We welcome back Linda Sordan who will be teaching the class. Details are listed below. Please contact the church office to add your child's name to the list
First Communion Class
An Introduction to the Sacrament of Communion
April 6th to May 11th
9:00 a.m., Guild Room
This five-week class will help your child to understand the history and meaning of the Eucharist, as well as what to do at the altar rail.
The class will be held each Sunday morning, from 9 - 9:45 am, through May 11th.
Traditionally, this class is for children in 2nd grade and older. We ask that each child attending class be accompanied by a parent or care giver.